of mid-size and large companies in making ambitious business plans
We closely work with our client’s leadership teams to make the best plans they have ever made. We coordinate the process, do the groundwork (analysis, presentation), and contribute to the development of ideas and decision making. We understand the dynamics between leadership teams, employees and shareholders and their different perspectives. The result is an ambitious but fact-based plan with a strong financial underpinning that puts all stakeholders on the same page and is owned by the leadership team. To emphasize that our role is behind the scenes: our name never appears on the final plan.
We assess the position and future perspectives of companies as input for investment or financing decisions by investment firms or banks. We map key market developments, we review recent financial performance, we identify the needed restructuring initiatives and we assess the viability of forecasts and underlying assumptions. A Business Review can be of great value:
When the overall long-term strategy is clear, but major choices are to be made, we support the development of comprehensive business cases in which all relevant perspectives for sound decision making are addressed. We have been involved in business cases for: